
Website Accuracy / Software Safety :

Rush Me Travels (RMT) has taken reasonable care to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information posted on the website. RMT also takes reasonable care to ensure that the content on its websites, is free of any virus or other malwares. However, this website and its content, such as information, products, services and software, may still contain omissions, errors and inaccuracies and viruses, worms, trojan horses or other malicious content. RMT does not guarantee that the information provided on this Website is either accurate or complete . RMT is neither liable nor responsible for any decision that you may take based on such inaccurate information.

Connected Links :

In addition, RMT is not responsible for any errors, omissions or representations on any of its pages or on any links or on any of the linked website pages. RMT neither endorses any of the links on its web pages in any manner, nor guarantees their accuracy, completeness and safety. These have been provided for the User's convenience, and it is the User's responsibility to verify the accuracy of any information before relying on it. It is the User's responsibility to ensure the safety of their own computer or similar facility, from destructive software such as viruses.

RMT is in no way liable or responsible for any loss whatsoever - be it direct or indirect, for any specific or consequential damage caused by this website, or by any website linked to RMT's website, or due to accessing data on RMT's website or on any other website.

This website, its content, information and links, as well as the terms and conditions may be modified or updated without notice. Users are deemed to be aware of and bound by these changes. RMT may improve on and/or modify, change, add or delete services and/or information without notice, at any time.

User's Responsibility and Risk Only :

In all cases, the User should not rely on the information, services, software or other content received via this Website, for personal, medical, legal or financial decisions. RMT hereby disclaims any and all warranties and conditions with regard to the information, software, products, services and related graphics, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement.

Third Party Services :

The use of the services is at the sole risk of the User. RMT is essentially an intermediary between the User and the service provider such as the airline, hotel, surface travel provider, conference, and such third party services. These service providers are selected in good faith, and are provided as options to the User. However, RMT cannot and does not guarantee the services or the standards of the services provided by such service providers. RMT is not liable in any circumstances for any service or the standards of the service provided by the service provider.

Travel Endorsement :

In case of the travel and destination, RMT makes no endorsement, guarantee or claims of the safety or suitability of any travel service or destination. RMT is not liable for any loss or damages to the User by employing any travel services or travelling to any destination.

Overall :

All headings are provided only as a general convenience and to ease reading. They should not be considered to limit the applicability of the corresponding content. The User shall hold RMT harmless in case any legal proceedings or claim, are initiated against Cox RMT due to any action/s of the User in using the website or services. This disclaimer shall apply irrespective of whether the damages arise from Breach of Warranty and/or contract, Negligence, or any other cause of action except such limitations and exclusions that are invalid by applicable law.

In any case, without prejudice to the above, no liability on the part of RMT arising in any way with respect to any tour, holiday, excursion facility, shall exceed the total amount paid for the corresponding tour, holiday or service, and shall in no case, include any consequential loss or additional expense, whatsoever.

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